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The Information Systems Department of the Unemployment Insurance Fund employs 17 experts in its field. We employ men and women, young and old. Each of them knows the impact of their work on society.

Information Systems of the Unemployment Insurance Fund have a huge impact on society – we need to ensure that approximately 250,000 customers are guaranteed daily customer service and access to different services, including the various allowances and benefits they receive on time. Over 900 employees must be guaranteed daily smooth work with our various information systems. We cooperate with several large Estonian development companies and in total more than 70 developers from different companies are involved in development work for the unemployment insurance fund. We boast the necessary resources for everything, but we need more experts in our field who want to change the E-state and the world.


Infosüsteemide arendusjuht

Arendusjuhi roll on juhtida ja koordineerida töötukassas tarkvaraarenduse projekte. Tema ülesandeks on ühendada omavahel tervikuks majasisese tellija soovid ja tehnoloogia, otsides ja pakkudes lahendusi leidmaks optimaalse kesktee tehniliste ja äriliste nõuete vahel. IS arendusjuht on vahelüliks töötukassa sisese tellija ja majavälise arendusmeeskonna ning kasutajate vahel.

Information Systems Analyst

The Information Systems Analyst is part of a team tasked with creating new and modern information systems. The analyst describes and analyses the business process, prepares the baseline tasks and maps the requirements, participates in the agile development process in the client team, controls test tasks and participates in acceptance testing. Cooperates with the business side, development team and users.

IT administrator

The main tasks of the IT administrator are to manage backup, various services and network equipment. In addition, the administrator sets up new systems and contributes to the elimination of complex technical glitches.

With us, you will be surrounded by a frugal team of experts in your field and a modern working environment featuring smart solutions.

A chance to do a job with meaning

Your job is to keep the systems that your colleagues use to help jobseekers find work, and in doing so, you are part of a major process that changes people's lives in a positive way.

Interesting tasks and flexible working hours

Your work is versatile and includes constant communication with internal customers in addition to the maintenance of IT systems. You can also choose whether you work from home or in the office.

Active support team and space to thrive

Your co-workers are experts in their field, who quickly embrace you and create a warm sense of home.

“The IT field of the Unemployment Insurance Fund is really broad and includes complex information systems, where the development and automation of processes is performed using the latest technologies. Work in this field offers challenges and opportunities to contribute to the well-being and self-development of society through continuous self-development.”
Oliver Närep
Manager of IT Department

We fight together

Fighting for a common goal

Let’s celebrate achievements together

Recognizing the best

Our vision is to be the best and inspiring Labour Market organization in Estonia and in Europe.

For additional questions please write: kerstin.piik@tootukassa.ee

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